Workshop Details

Title: Examining and Redesigning Computing Education Research to Center Equity

Date: Sunday, August 15, 12pm to 4pm (EDT)

Abstract: The goal of this workshop is to think through what it means to center equity in computing education (CEd) research to strive towards a critical consciousness in the field. We will do this through guided discussions and hands-on activities that invite facilitators and participants to critically (re)examine and question our own work. Participants will bring in their own CEd artifacts for reflection—completed work (e.g., previously submitted papers, journal articles, CS course material) or developing ideas (e.g., works-in-progress, rejected CEd papers, CS course material)—to consider questions such as, what is “equity” work and who is equity “for”. We will also examine these artifacts to question what shapes our assumptions, motivations, and choices of methodologies and theories in our work and how we will actively incorporate lessons learned in our research going forward. We will close the workshop with a panel of CEd and learning sciences equity researchers to synthesize the reflections and discussions during the workshop.

We invite audiences interested in critical discussions about current practices in CER, how those practices do or do not center equity, and how we can work towards ensuring that equity is centered in everyone’s CEd research. The upper limit is 40 participants.

More Information: This pre-conference workshop will be hosted on Zoom on Sunday, August 15 from 12:00pm to 4:00pm Eastern. If you are interested in attending, please register here by July 17, 2021–we will send out notifications of workshop attendance on or before that date. For more information on the workshop, visit:

Workshop organizers:

  • Francisco Castro, PhD
  • Earl W. Huff Jr
  • Gayithri Jayathirtha
  • Yerika Jimenez
  • Minji Kong
  • Natalie Araujo Melo
  • Amber Solomon, PhD
  • Jennifer Tsan, PhD