Why the Papaya

We draw from the Philippines’ colonial history and assimilation to dominant western ideologies. The Philippines is a southeast Asian country historically colonized by many nations, in particular by Spain and the United States. Some of the most significant impacts of these colonizations were on Filipino culture, self-image, and way of living. Read more about the papaya symbolism.

What We Do

Some of the key questions we tackle, particularly in computing and computing education research, are about the ways that people have had to assimilate or “whiten” themselves and their work into current dominant ideals and narratives-– we are in an ongoing process of discussing and unpacking how we, and many minoritized groups, have had to navigate systems that uphold white supremacy.

Join the Community!

Read and Sign Our Letter


An Open Letter to the CS Ed Community

We write this letter in pursuit of a research community that centers healing, love, and accountability.

Join us at Tapia

Join us at our TAPIA 2021 workshop: What are Your Papayas? Assimilating to Belong in Computing

Join us at ICER

Join us at our ICER 2021 workshop: Examining and Redesigning Computing Education Research to Center Equity